Norwalk Weed Control

If the pre-emergent that you applied early in the spring was not labeled for broad leaf weed control, and there is a good chance it was not, you will have issues with them for the rest of the season.  You will need to have one or two applications for these weeds over the next few months. Call Grassy Meadow Lawn Care for all of your lawn application needs.

Grassy Meadows Lawn Care and Tick Control, Corp. Norwalk, CT is a Lawn, Shrub,Tick and Mosquito Application, Fertilizing, Disease Treatments, and Weed Spraying Business, Servicing DarienNew CanaanNorwalkWestportWiltonWestonFairfieldEastonTrumbullMonroeShelton, and Stratford. B-2425, S-4320 3A,7F
